NC Chapter Technical Meeting (Virtual) – March 2025

  • Active Situational Awareness
     March 13, 2025
     11:55 am - 1:05 pm


Monty Edge, President

Active Threat Solutions, LLC


Active Situational Awareness

Situational Awareness (SA) is a concept that can benefit ALL persons in the world, no matter what environment they exist in.  People who develop SA benefit from it in the home, on the street, in the car, at work, or at public events.  The primary goal of SA is to increase our safety by making us aware of imminent or developing threats.  Being aware of imminent or developing threats increases our ability to avoid them or at least to be better positioned to react to them when they present.  While personal defense drives the greatest need for SA, it can also have a positive impact on our work interactions by developing a sensitivity to conditions involving people with which we must work with, work for, lead, or negotiate with.

Situational Awareness is a broad topic that could easily occupy days of education and training.  In 45minutes we will attempt orient participants on the topic of SA, describe how one can develop SA in their daily life, and scratch the surface of advanced SA techniques that can provide us with greater ability to recognize human behavioral anomalies in our environment and to develop heuristic strategies for making snap decisions in response to those anomalies.

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