December 14, 2023
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Topic: Arc Flash Awareness
Location: Brady Services or Zoom – register below for either option
Speaker: Christopher Hughes, MS, CHST, STS
- Understand the Dynamics of Arc Flash
- Definitions
- Effects of Arc Flash
- Contributing Factors
- Arc Severity
- Boundaries
- Administrative Controls & PPE Requirements
Chris is the Mid Atlantic Regional Safety Manager for Helix Electric. He is the secretary of the Region Six ASSP and past president of the National Capital Chapter ASSP. He is the author of Chapter 26 Safety Professional Handbook, on the ANSI A 92 Main committee, and a NFPA 70 E Instructor.
Virtual Call in Details:
Meeting ID: 848 9874 4075
Passcode: 298381
Venue: Virtual GoToMeeting
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