Keep Moving Forward
Greetings Safety Professionals!
First off, I would like to apologize for not getting this message out sooner and at the same time Welcome You to a new Chapter year.
The Chapter year started off with much adversity and challenge. We had Executive Committee members have to step down from their important roles, due to work obligations, leaving us playing catch-up and learning new tasks as a group.
With that, I would like to personally Thank the Executive Committee that supports me in leading this Chapter as President and for them stepping up and taking the bull by the horns (no pun intended as I do work in Durham, the Bull City) and keeping things moving forward.
ASSP NC Chapter Leadership (2023-2024):
President – Doug Gaylord
President Elect – Frieda Sanders
Secretary – Matt Machles
Treasurer – Jay Sprankle
Delegates – Ogaga Tebehaevu and Robin Barfield
Membership Chair – Michelle Barger
Awards Chair – Jessica Frederick
Member at Large – Jeff Medlin
Our current technical meeting schedule, thru December, will be virtual. The next two technical meetings will be joint meetings with the ASSP Triad Chapter.
Links to the register for those meetings are below:
Our goal is to return back to in-person after the New Year. Schedule TBD.
More exciting news, the ASSP NC Chapter completed its 7th consecutive year by achieving Platinum Level recognition. This is the highest level awarded by ASSP. A Special Thanks to our 2022-2023 Executive Committee Team and our Members for their continued support under past President Ogaga Tebehaevu.
The Chapter currently has an OPEN position for:
- Website/Social Media Chair
The Chapter has future opportunities for currently occupied seats that need to be filled by June 30, 2024:
- Treasurer
- Secretary
Having incumbent members selected early, will allow for knowledge and training on the roles and responsibilities of that position from the current seat holders.
Thank you for your membership in the ASSP NC Chapter.
Doug Gaylord, MSOS, CHMM, SMS, RSO